By David Estes
Genre: Dystopia
Age category: Young Adult
Release Date: 1 December, 2014
Someone must die before another can be born...
As sea levels rise and livable landmasses shrink, the Reorganized United States of America has instituted population control measures to ensure there are sufficient resources and food to sustain the growing population. Birth authorization must be paid for and obtained prior to having a child. Someone must die before another can be born, keeping the country in a population neutral position at what experts consider to be the optimal population. The new laws are enforced by a ruthless government organization known as Pop Con, responsible for terminating any children resulting from unauthorized births, and any illegals who manage to survive past their second birthday, at which point they are designated a national security threat and given the name Slip.
But what if one child slipped through the cracks? What if someone knew all the loopholes and how to exploit them? Would it change anything? Would the delicate resource balance be thrown into a tailspin, threatening the lives of everyone?
And how far would the government go to find and terminate the Slip?
In a gripping story of a family torn apart by a single choice, Slip is a reminder of the sanctity of a single life and the value of the lives we so often take for granted.
My Rating: 5 EPIC stars!
My Review:
What happens when the government has the authority to choose who can have children? What happens to the value of human life?
Welcome to the future United States of America, now called RUSA (Reorganized United States of America). Rising sea levels have shrunk down our land mass, and there is now a finite number of resources for its citizens. The government solves this problem by controlling the population. To get pregnant (legally), each couple receives what's called a "Death Match", and when that aging or sick person dies, they are allowed to procreate.
To enforce this law, a new government agency called Population Control (Pop Con) was created to round up any UnBees (unregistered children under the age of 2) and Slips (unregistered children over the age of 2)and their parents and terminate them.
While this book is about a futuristic society that values population and government control as its priority, its also mainly a story about a torn apart family.
Michael Kelly is the head of Pop Con. He and his wife have a secret: their son, Benson is actually a Slip. He's been raised separate from his legal brother, Harrison, and neither boy knows about the other. Michael does everything he can to protect Benson, but he knows time is running out. Before long, he must send Benson out on his own or risk him getting caught and killed.
The first part of the book is mainly told from 5 to 8 year old Benson's POV. It does jump around a little to include two other children's POV who become very important to the story: Harrison and Domino Destovan. This part of the book leaves you more questions than answers, but it also provides a much needed understanding of Michael Kelly. I also love how well we get into Benson's head. His descriptions are right in line with a little boy who doesn't understand his world, but trying so hard to make sense of things. Then we jump ahead eight years later, and the story really takes off!
This story was an amazing read! I read it straight through in one day. I was totally sucked in from beginning to end!
Things I loved about Slip:
--Benson and Lucy. The main love interests in this story are so cute together, but also very real and relatable, too. I can't wait to read more about their budding relationship in the next book!
--Check, Rod, and Gonzo. Benson's best friends and gang for survival, along with Lucy and her younger brother. These three characters were loyal friends, but also a much needed comic relief at times.
--Janice. What can I say about Benson and Harrison's eccentric (okay, crazy) mother? I loved her! She provided quite a bit of comic relief, but at the same time, it was a kind of sad feeling, watching her struggle through their family's situation. It really brought to life some of the horrors of this kind of society.
--The Ads and new articles that ended each chapter. These usually related directly to what was currently going on in the story, and were filled with irony and sarcastic dark humor. Some examples:
Ready to start a family? Apply for an instant Death Match today!
Simply speak “Yeah Baby” into your holo-screen to get started. Do pregnancy the right way, the legal way.
Now available, reserve a Death Match up to ten years in advance! Simply speak „early Death Match‟ into your holo-screen, and prepare for your future.
This advertisement paid for by U-Bank, where it’s YOU that matters.
--The World Building. The futuristic technology is awesome, and completely believable. This whole future is easy to believe as being our own. Chilling.
--The Writing Itself. Really beautiful writing. It paints a picture and makes the story come alive. One quote I especially loved:
"...her lips like an artist's brush on canvas as they caress his own."
--The Terminology The words "Life" and "Death" are used quite a bit. "Death Match" is the legal procedure for procreating, while "Lifecard" is what you use to pay with (like a debit card). All the terminology made sense, while poking fun at itself at the same time.
--Well fleshed out characters. With so many characters, this was pulled off really well. Mostly. I'll explain more below.
--The Pacing. This was a very INTENSE read. There was always something going on, with not much time to breathe. A real page-turner!
--The Twist. Totally did not see it coming. I'm betting you won't either!
--The Feels. This book was constantly bringing out some kind of reaction in me, whether it was heart pounding suspense, laughter, chills, and tears. A very emotional read, something that's hard to pull off in a sci-fi dystopian!
The only thing that I found lacking was the character development of two very important characters: Michael Kelly and Harrison Kelly. It was really hard to like Harrison, although I wanted to! Its easier to like Benson in the story, because he's the one who got shafted, and at times you almost feel like telling Harrison, "Oh, grow up!" But that isn't fair, as he's almost completely in the dark to what's really going on. Michael Kelly was just plain elusive at times. I was glad we get a view of him from Benson in the beginning of the book, which really helped that along. I'm hoping we get more in the sequel.
This did not affect the enjoyment of the read at all for me, though. And I can understand the choices the author made, as too much character development on such complex characters may have bogged things down and slowed down the pacing quite a bit. And I really like the pacing the way it is!
Slip is a complete full novel, but there is plenty of story left for its sequel. I can't wait to read it! The very last scene in this book gave me major goosebumps and chills! This was a 5 star read for me, and anyone who is into dystopians and sci-fi thrillers will love this one!
One last quote to leave you with:
“This life is too hard,” he (Benson) says.
Harrison would normally laugh at a comment like that, but he can't manage it because of everything they've been through in the last day and a half. “And made harder because of all the damn idiots running around with guns,” he says.
Welcome to the future United States of America, now called RUSA (Reorganized United States of America). Rising sea levels have shrunk down our land mass, and there is now a finite number of resources for its citizens. The government solves this problem by controlling the population. To get pregnant (legally), each couple receives what's called a "Death Match", and when that aging or sick person dies, they are allowed to procreate.
To enforce this law, a new government agency called Population Control (Pop Con) was created to round up any UnBees (unregistered children under the age of 2) and Slips (unregistered children over the age of 2)and their parents and terminate them.
While this book is about a futuristic society that values population and government control as its priority, its also mainly a story about a torn apart family.
Michael Kelly is the head of Pop Con. He and his wife have a secret: their son, Benson is actually a Slip. He's been raised separate from his legal brother, Harrison, and neither boy knows about the other. Michael does everything he can to protect Benson, but he knows time is running out. Before long, he must send Benson out on his own or risk him getting caught and killed.
The first part of the book is mainly told from 5 to 8 year old Benson's POV. It does jump around a little to include two other children's POV who become very important to the story: Harrison and Domino Destovan. This part of the book leaves you more questions than answers, but it also provides a much needed understanding of Michael Kelly. I also love how well we get into Benson's head. His descriptions are right in line with a little boy who doesn't understand his world, but trying so hard to make sense of things. Then we jump ahead eight years later, and the story really takes off!
This story was an amazing read! I read it straight through in one day. I was totally sucked in from beginning to end!
Things I loved about Slip:
--Benson and Lucy. The main love interests in this story are so cute together, but also very real and relatable, too. I can't wait to read more about their budding relationship in the next book!
--Check, Rod, and Gonzo. Benson's best friends and gang for survival, along with Lucy and her younger brother. These three characters were loyal friends, but also a much needed comic relief at times.
--Janice. What can I say about Benson and Harrison's eccentric (okay, crazy) mother? I loved her! She provided quite a bit of comic relief, but at the same time, it was a kind of sad feeling, watching her struggle through their family's situation. It really brought to life some of the horrors of this kind of society.
--The Ads and new articles that ended each chapter. These usually related directly to what was currently going on in the story, and were filled with irony and sarcastic dark humor. Some examples:
Ready to start a family? Apply for an instant Death Match today!
Simply speak “Yeah Baby” into your holo-screen to get started. Do pregnancy the right way, the legal way.
Now available, reserve a Death Match up to ten years in advance! Simply speak „early Death Match‟ into your holo-screen, and prepare for your future.
This advertisement paid for by U-Bank, where it’s YOU that matters.
--The World Building. The futuristic technology is awesome, and completely believable. This whole future is easy to believe as being our own. Chilling.
--The Writing Itself. Really beautiful writing. It paints a picture and makes the story come alive. One quote I especially loved:
"...her lips like an artist's brush on canvas as they caress his own."
--The Terminology The words "Life" and "Death" are used quite a bit. "Death Match" is the legal procedure for procreating, while "Lifecard" is what you use to pay with (like a debit card). All the terminology made sense, while poking fun at itself at the same time.
--Well fleshed out characters. With so many characters, this was pulled off really well. Mostly. I'll explain more below.
--The Pacing. This was a very INTENSE read. There was always something going on, with not much time to breathe. A real page-turner!
--The Twist. Totally did not see it coming. I'm betting you won't either!
--The Feels. This book was constantly bringing out some kind of reaction in me, whether it was heart pounding suspense, laughter, chills, and tears. A very emotional read, something that's hard to pull off in a sci-fi dystopian!
The only thing that I found lacking was the character development of two very important characters: Michael Kelly and Harrison Kelly. It was really hard to like Harrison, although I wanted to! Its easier to like Benson in the story, because he's the one who got shafted, and at times you almost feel like telling Harrison, "Oh, grow up!" But that isn't fair, as he's almost completely in the dark to what's really going on. Michael Kelly was just plain elusive at times. I was glad we get a view of him from Benson in the beginning of the book, which really helped that along. I'm hoping we get more in the sequel.
This did not affect the enjoyment of the read at all for me, though. And I can understand the choices the author made, as too much character development on such complex characters may have bogged things down and slowed down the pacing quite a bit. And I really like the pacing the way it is!
Slip is a complete full novel, but there is plenty of story left for its sequel. I can't wait to read it! The very last scene in this book gave me major goosebumps and chills! This was a 5 star read for me, and anyone who is into dystopians and sci-fi thrillers will love this one!
One last quote to leave you with:
“This life is too hard,” he (Benson) says.
Harrison would normally laugh at a comment like that, but he can't manage it because of everything they've been through in the last day and a half. “And made harder because of all the damn idiots running around with guns,” he says.
You can find Slip on Goodreads
You can buy Slip here:
- Amazon

By David Estes
Genre: Dystopia
Age category: Young Adult
Release Date: 1 December, 2014
In a tumultuous world of population control, one illegal child has slipped through the cracks. Now, as a teenager, Benson Kelly has escaped certain deaths at the hands of the Department of Population Control, only to find himself the symbol of a rebellion, something he never intended.
While trying to survive one day at a time, Benson seeks to unravel the tangled knot of secrets left behind when his father died, the key to which has something to do with his mother, Janice Kelly, recently escaped from the insane asylum.
As the rebel group known as the Lifers continue to use brute force to send a message to the government, Benson's twin, Harrison Kelly, seeks to exploit a loophole that could be the key to freedom for his brother. All that's required is a simple act of murder.
Meanwhile, Population Control's attack dog, a sadistic cyborg known as The Destroyer, closes in on Benson and his family. His directive: Kill them all.
Faith, family and love will be pushed to the limits in the GRIPping sequel to Slip.
You can find Grip on Goodreads
You can buy Grip here:
- Amazon

Author of popular YA dystopian series, the Dwellers Saga and the Country Saga. Voted books to read if you enjoyed the Hunger Games on Buzzfeed and Listopia.
Join 2,400+ David Estes Fans and YA Book Lovers Unite in David Estes' official fan group at:
David Estes was born in El Paso, Texas but moved to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania when he was very young. David grew up in Pittsburgh and then went to Penn State for college. Eventually he moved to Sydney, Australia where he met his wife. They now live together in their dream location, Hawaii. A reader all his life, he began writing novels for the children's and YA markets in 2010, and started writing full time in June 2012. Now he travels the world writing with his wife, Adele. David's a writer with OCD, a love of dancing and singing (but only when no one is looking or listening), a mad-skilled ping-pong player, and prefers writing at the swimming pool to writing at a table.
You can find and contact David here:
- Website
- Goodreads
There is a tour wide giveaway for the book blitz of Slip. These are the prizes you can win:
- Winners choice of book to the value of $15.00 U.S. from The Book Depository
- A signed copy of SLIP plus bonus swag- U.S. entrants only
- A signed copy of BREW plus bonus swag- U.S. entrants only
- 3 ebook packs with three David Estes ebooks of your choice
- 4 signed packs of bookmarks
You can enter the blitz wide giveaway here:
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Great review! It makes me want to read it even more. Thanks for the follow earlier. I love your blog, too, and am now a follower!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Melanie! And thanks for the follow :) YES, you have to read it, one of the best I've read all year!