Where reading is a way of life

Friday, August 16, 2013

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge--Day 15

Today is Day 15 in the 15 Day Blogger Challenge!

So I was scrolling around and I found an awesome new blogger challenge, created by Good Books, Good Wine.  Its a 15 day challenge, and I decided I'm going to try it!  It was created on her blog and Pinterest.  Here's the original post if you would like to join in!  Starter Post

And here's the challenge!

My blogging mentors

Jen Ryland @YA Romantics


  1. Awesome job on completin the challenge! I looked at this at one point, but my kids just started school and I had a bunch of other things scheduled and so I passed on it. It has been fun to see what everyone says. I love Jen too! You probably know that. She is fabulous! :)

    Tressa @ Tressa's Wishful Endings

    1. Yay, another Jen Ryland fan! She has a huge following for a reason, lol!


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