It feels like its been forever since I've posted a book haul on my blog! I've been doing them all on my YouTube channel. But I've gotten so behind in my videos, I've decided I'm not recording any more until I am caught up. But I still wanted to share, so here we go! This covers about the last week or so.
Also, I wanted to make a couple of quick announcements/reminders.
Danasquare and I are hosting a read-a-thon from Dec. 9-22nd. Its all about getting all your reading and challenges done before the end of the year. Look for the graphic on my right hand sidebar to sign up or get more info. #readingcram
Also, my favorite Goodreads group (that I'm now a mod of--YAY!) is hosting several awesome upcoming Author Q&As! Check out my right side bar for that graphic!! And we are still working on booking even more authors for everyone to chat with! So far, we've done Jennifer A Nielsen, Ilsa J. Bick, and Marissa Meyer, and they have been a blast!
Now onto the books!
For Review
Physical books (library and bought)
The Shadowhunter's Codex by Cassandra Clare
Horizon by Alyson Noel
The Infinity Ring #1-4 by James Dashner, Carrie Ryan and Lisa McMann
Inferno by Dan Brown
The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak (B&N Collector's Edition)
Paris by Edward Rutherfurd
The Kitchen Boy by Robert Alexander
White Fire by Douglas Preston
So not a bad week at all! What did you get?