Where reading is a way of life

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Book Haul for Late November

It feels like its been forever since I've posted a book haul on my blog!  I've been doing them all on my YouTube channel.  But I've gotten so behind in my videos, I've decided I'm not recording any more until I am caught up.  But I still wanted to share, so here we go!  This covers about the last week or so.

Also, I wanted to make a couple of quick announcements/reminders.  

Danasquare and I are hosting a read-a-thon from Dec. 9-22nd.  Its all about getting all your reading and challenges done before the end of the year.  Look for the graphic on my right hand sidebar to sign up or get more info.  #readingcram

Also, my favorite Goodreads group (that I'm now a mod of--YAY!) is hosting several awesome upcoming Author Q&As!  Check out my right side bar for that graphic!!  And we are still working on booking even more authors for everyone to chat with!  So far, we've done Jennifer A Nielsen, Ilsa J. Bick, and Marissa Meyer, and they have been a blast!

Now onto the books!

For Review


Physical books (library and bought)

 Leven Thumps and the Gateway to Foo by Obert Skye
The Shadowhunter's Codex by Cassandra Clare
Horizon by Alyson Noel
The Infinity Ring #1-4 by James Dashner, Carrie Ryan and Lisa McMann
Inferno by Dan Brown
The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak (B&N Collector's Edition)
Paris by Edward Rutherfurd
The Kitchen Boy by Robert Alexander
White Fire by Douglas Preston

So not a bad week at all!  What did you get?

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A Little Trip Down Memory Lane...

When I was in 8th grade, our family moved to Story City, IA, which was a pretty big culture shock for me.  But I did get something great out of it--attending one of the best academic school in the area, and being taught by some really great teachers!  (As opposed to my previous school in Marion, which had some of the crappiest teachers--at the time, anyways!)

My 8th grade English teacher was Mr. Pierce.  He was the kind of teacher that EXPECTED excellence from everyone in his class.  When we took a test on something he taught, if you missed even one question, you would take it again next week.  You didn't move on until you knew everything he taught.  I arrived just in time for the Greek Mythology unit, which was definitely one of the most memorable things I remember about school.  Mr. Pierce did everything possible to make it fun.

So the other day on Facebook, one of my classmates posted a video of him, and he hasn't changed a bit!  He is an amazing guy, and I thought I would post the video here for all of you to maybe get a little inspired!  Mythology has really been a big theme in books the past few years, and after watching this, maybe you'll understand exactly why I love it so much! Enjoy!

Weekly Social Dose # 9 With Jerry Pierce from Dallas J. Moore on Vimeo.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Destiny by Cindy Ray Hale Blog Tour

Destiny Banner 1.2
This is my stop during the blog tour for Destiny (Destiny Trilogy #1) by Cindy Ray Hale. This blog tour is organized by Lola's Blog Tours . The blog tour runs from November 5 till November 25, you can view the complete tour schedule on the Destiny blog tour page on the website of Lola's Blog Tours.

DestinyDestiny (Destiny Trilogy #1)
By Cindy Ray Hale
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age category: Young Adult
Release Date: November 5, 2013
Destiny Clark, a young Mormon girl living in Tennessee, is wildly infatuated with Isaac Robinson, the headmaster's son at her Baptist high school. When they're cast together in the school's production of Les Misérables, Destiny is horrified to find that she has to be publicly humiliated by acting out her true feelings of rejection onstage.
As their rehearsals begin, Destiny realizes the unimaginable: Isaac has developed deep feelings for her despite their religious differences and the fact that he has a girlfriend.
But will they be able to find their place amongst the backbiters of their ultra-conservative world?
Weaving around Destiny and Isaac's alternating viewpoints, Destiny is the first book in a series inspired by the characters of Les Misérables and explores heartbreak, self-discovery, intolerance, and love.

You can find Destiny on Goodreads

You can watch the book trailer here:

Official Author picAbout the Author:
Wife. Mother. Writer. Cindy Ray Hale lives in Murfreesboro, Tennessee with her husband and four children. In addition to being a writer, she’s an avid reader and a social media junkie. She starts her morning by writing with a freshly-blended berry spinach smoothie next to her. She’s obsessed with Les Misérables, playing the piano, and stalking up-and-coming musicians on YouTube. Destiny is her first book and will be available for purchase November 2013.

You can find and contact Cindy here:
- Website
- Website for destiny
- Blog
- Facebook
- Twitter
- Goodreads
- Google+
- Pinterest

And there is a tour wide gveaway, here is what you can win:
- A Destiny Swag Pack:including a signed copy of Destiny, a Destiny keychain, a t-shirt that says "I heart Destiny," a Destiny bookmark.
- a $25 Amazon Gift Card
- Camp Boyfriend Swag pack.

For a chance to win enter the rafflecopter below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Fire Country by David Estes is FREE on Amazon Nov 12-14th!

Fire Country is the first book in the amazing Country Saga Series by David Estes.  This is seriously one of my favorite YA dystopians ever!  And you can download it for FREE on Amazon from Nov. 12-14th!!! What a steal!

In a changed world where the sky bleeds red, winter is hotter than hell and full of sandstorms, and summer's even hotter with raging fires that roam the desert-like country, the Heaters manage to survive, barely. 

Due to toxic air, life expectancies are so low the only way the tribe can survive is by forcing women to procreate when they turn sixteen and every three years thereafter. It is their duty as Bearers.

Fifteen-year-old Siena is a Youngling, soon to be a Bearer, when she starts hearing rumors of another tribe of all women, called the Wild Ones. They are known to kidnap Youngling girls before the Call, the ceremony in which Bearers are given a husband with whom to bear children with. 

As the desert sands run out on her life's hourglass, Siena must uncover the truth about the Wild Ones while untangling the web of lies and deceit her father has masterfully spun.

Download this wonderful ebook HERE and enjoy!!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Ilsa J. Bick Q&A Event!

Join me for some awesome upcoming author Q&A sessions!  My favorite group, David Estes Fan Group and YA Book Lovers Unite, is hosting some amazing events in the next few months!

We also have an event planned with Ilsa J. Bick!   Here is my first question and Ilsa's answer!

Ilsa, you created so many different and unique characters in your Ashes trilogy. Who was your favorite character to write and why? 

Jenny, I loved ALL my characters, and each was my favorite to write at one point or another in the book. Really. I can't pick a favorite because I really tried to put everything I could into each character. When you do that, it's like asking a mom to pick her favorite kid: can't be done. [Well, at least ... not in public. ;-) ]

I dunno...which is your fave? 

ME: I think probably Alex. She was one tough cookie! And a great MC! 

Ilsa's Response:

Yeah, I'd be lying if I didn't say I liked Alex myself, Jenny ;-) 

This one runs from Nov. 11-17th
You can join in HERE

And I'm SUPER EXCITED for this one!  Marissa Meyer is swinging by our group from Nov. 18-24th!!!
You can join in the discussion HERE

And we also have Hugh Howey stopping by from Dec. 11-17th!
You can join in HERE

And we have more upcoming next year, so stay tuned!  And seriously, you may want to think about joining our Goodreads group, we have so much fun talking about YA books!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

End of the Year 2013 Reading Cram Read-a-thon!

Dana from Danasquare and I are hosting a read-a-thon!  It is called the End of the Year 2013 Reading Cram, and will run from Dec. 9-22nd!

If you are anything like me you have a huge stack (or even bookcases) full of book you haven't read. Did you have a goal for how many books you wanted to read during the year? Are you behind like I am? 

Then this is the perfect time to read as much as you can before the new year! 

Why should you participate?
1. To chisel off some of your TBR pile.
2. Do all the fun challenges and win some prizes.
3. Encourage others to read like a speed demon (and yourself) + reading with others is loads of fun. 

So let's get in our last books of 2013 together in the #ReadingCram ! 

Listed below are all the things you need to know and the linky to sign up!

You must post a Sign Up Post (Must be linked down below in the linky, this is to spread the word)
Must have our graphic
Links to our blogs
Name, dates of the read-a-thon
Any personal goals (optional)
You may put up your post on your blog, Tumblr, or Youtube (if they don't have a blog)

Please tweet using #ReadingCram. To stay updated and to share what your reading! 

It would mean so much to Dana and I if you sign-up! This is our first read-a-thon that we are hosting together and we are beyond excited! We would love to host more so we want this one to turn out great!!
If you have any questions either Dana or I can answer them!
Comment Below, In the form, or email  danasquare3(at)aol(dot)com or juliababyjen(at)yahoo(dot)com.

Here are the Challenges  you can look forward to seeing: We are still in need of hosts if you want to host a challenge all the info can be found HERE
Dec. 9  TBR Challenge (Hosted by Juliababyjen)
Dec 10  Teaser Challenge --Open the current book you are reading to a random page and post 2 sentences on Twitter or Facebook and leave the link
Hosted by Tanya@Book Loving Hippo
Dec 11 Top Ten Books You Read in 2013--make a post, take a pic, leave links Hosted by Jessica @ Let Me Tell You A Story
Dec 12 Spine Poetry--using any books you've read in 2013--leave a link of pic Lori @ Writing My Own Fairy Tale
Dec 13 Favorite Book-to-Movie Release in 2013--post on Twitter or Facebook, leave a link Emily @ Falling for YA
Dec 14 Seasonal Challenge (must be books read in 2013) post links Michelle @ BookBriefs
Recommend a book good for a snow day
Recommend a book good for a rainy day
Recommend a book good for a beach day
Recommend a book good for a spooky night
Dec 15 Twitter Synopsis Challenge--pick any book read in 2013, and describe the book using only 166 characters.  May do on any social site, leave link Cindi @Mommasez
Dec. 16 Movie cast challenge--pick any book read in 2013, and create a real life cast of characters--post links Hosted by Alex @ Book Chick
Dec 17 Song Challenge--pick any book read in 2013, and choose a song(s) that best describes the book.  You can even create a playlist if you want!--post links to songs (youtube, spotify, etc) Tanya @ Book Loving Hippo
Dec 18 Post a Review Challenge--leave a link to any review you posted for a book read in 2013--any site where review is Munira @ In Vogue With Books
Dec 19 Spine Poetry--any books read in 2013, but must use titles that have 4 words or less for this one Tressa @ Tressa's Wishful Endings
Dec 20 Spell it out challenge--Use the first letter in any book you read in 2013 to spell out a word--can choose first name, initials, your birthday month, or your zodiac sign. Post links
EX.  J--Just One Day by Gayle Forman
E--Enclave by Ann Aguiree
N--Never Fade by Alexandra Bracken
N--Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson
Y--You Are Mine by Janael Falor
For the letters Q,U,V,X,Y,and Z they can be anywhere in the title
Kim @ Kimberly Faye Reads
Dec 21 Most Anticipated 2014 Releases--post links Hosted by Alex @ Book Chick

Link up your blog,tumblr, or youtube account that you will be participating with. Please do not use a Twitter or Facebook because those are hard for us to follow your updates.

1. DanaSquare (Host)  39. Laura @the Booksmartie  77. Melissa @ Jayne's Books  
2. Jenny@Juliababyjen's Reading Room(Host)  40. Sara @ On Ink and Writing  78. Elyse Lindsay  
3. ACReads  41. Think @ Thinks Books  79. Lettie @Above Average Below Special  
4. Tanya  42. Britney Gulbrandsen  80. Zi K.  
5. Jessica L. Brooks (coffeelvnmom)  43. Sarah @ Flood of Books, etc.  81. Alyssa Williams  
6. Emily @ Falling for YA  44. Dana's Little Lovely Books  82. Orchid @ The Haunting of Orchid Forsythia  
7. Hannah @ The Book Tower  45. TFrances @ Wading Through  83. Sofia Li  
8. Bethany @ The Coffee House  46. Vicky @ Books, Biscuits, and Tea  84. Lindsey Greer-Smith  
9. Shelly @ Readiculous Reads  47. Mel  85. Kimberly @Inspirefly  
10. Elizabeth @ Afternoon Book Party  48. Katie @ The Book Sphere  86. Lanaia @ The Temporary Escape  
11. Cindi @ Mommasez...  49. Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer  87. Yuska @ Lust and Coffee  
12. Anya @ On Starships and Dragonwings  50. Ramisa @ Ramisa the Authoress  88. Amanda @ Book Badger  
13. Hanna @ Booking In Heels  51. Elle @ Lost in Wonderland  89. Michelle @ Unraveling Books  
14. Paige @ The Paige-Turner  52. Veronica @ Mostly Reviews  90. Anna's World (US)  
15. Ruth @ My Devotional Thoughts  53. Ciara @ Ciara Reads Books  91. Katherine @ The Writerly Reader  
16. Shelf Stacker  54. Lori @ Writing My Own Fairy Tale  92. Rachael @ Rachael Turns Pages  
17. Thalia @ Pictures in the Words  55. Karin @ My Life...  93. Sarah @ Words with Sarah  
18. Katie Who Can Read  56. Jasprit @ The Readers Den  94. SAM @ City of Fandoms  
19. Melanie @ Christian Bookshelf Reviews  57. Mariana @ Book Travels  95. Amanda @ Confessions of a Bookie Monster  
20. Bree @ Coffee Bean Bookshelf  58. Lissette @ Passion and Life  96. Kailia @ Reading the Best of the Best  
21. Amber @ Seasons of Humility  59. Christina @ My Life in Books  97. Marie @ Bibliophilia  
22. Amanda @ The Book Babe  60. Cyn @ Bookmunchies  98. Pamela D @ Reading Is Fun Again  
23. Crystal @ Just Another Book Lovin Girl  61. Amanda @ Hell-Bent to Read  99. Kayla @ Caught Between the Pages  
24. Diamond @ Dee's Reads  62. Antara @ Code Name: Bookworm  100. Montana @ The Book Belles  
25. Caitlyn@ Just Your Average reviews  63. Sally@Always Lost in Stories  101. Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction  
26. Kim @ kimberlyfaye reads  64. Ely @ A Book So Fathomless  102. Kimberly @Inspirefly  
27. Vonnie's Reading Corner  65. Sunny @ Blue Sky Bookshelf  103. Michelle @ The True Book Addict  
28. Abbi @ Christian Novels  66. Joana @ Joana In The Sky With Books  104. Kay @ Dead Book Darling  
29. Charmaine G.  67. Lauren @ Lose Time Reading  105. OlgiaLikesFood  
30. Ellie @ Book Addicted Blonde  68. Maleeha  106. Jenn @ Book Beats  
31. Bex @ An Armchair by the Sea  69. Tressa @ Tressa's Wishful Endings  107. Sarah @ Exploring All Genres  
32. Michelle @ Book Briefs  70. Munira @ In Vogue with Books  108. Myra @ Pieces of Whimsy  
33. Charlotte @ Lit Addicted Brit  71. Kaitlin @ Reading is My Treasure  109. Alicia the Awesome  
34. Salima  72. Jacquelyn @ ReadReviewRepeat  110. Sassy @ Never Ending Pile of Books  
35. Gracija @ Confessions of a Mad Bookaholic  73. Cathy @ Whisks, Hooks and Books  111. Sonia  
36. Kate @Too Read or Not Too Read  74. Leeanna @ Leeanna.me  112. Sammy @ Miss Movie of Canada  
37. Brooke @ i blog 4 books  75. Sanna @ Fanciful Fictions  
38. Dakota Hitchcock  76. Merin @ Read and Reviewed  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, November 4, 2013

Calling all bloggers: Hosts needed for an upcoming Read-a-thon!

Dana from Danasquare and I are hosting a Read-a-thon from December 9th - 22nd called End of the Year 2013 #ReadingCram.

We are looking for some other bloggers to help host our daily challenges!

There is a google doc form below if you are interested!!

It would mean so much to Dana and I if you sign-up to host! This is our first read-a-thon that we are hosting together and we are beyond excited! We would love to host more so we want this one to turn out great!!

If you have any questions either Dana or I can answer them!
Comment Below, In the form, or email  danasquare3(at)aol(dot)com or juliababyjen(at)yahoo(dot)com.


 Host requirements 
You must have a blog of some kind 
You must PARTICIPATE in the read-a-thon, and have a sign up post like everyone else
Must have our graphic on their sidebar 
You will pick a challenge to run, and you must have your post up by 9am eastern time the day of the challenge.
And provide a prize! 
You may choose how to run challenge--either Rafflecopter, or just comments (if you want, I can create a Rafflecopter for you and give you the code)
Pick a winner after 48 hours and notify us of the winner and contact info.

 Challenges their dates to choose from!!!!
Dec. 9  TBR Challenge(Hosted By Jen and I)
Dec 10  Teaser Challenge --Open the current book you are reading to a random page and post 2 sentences on Twitter or Facebook and leave the link
Dec 11 Top Ten Books You Read in 2013--make a post, take a pic, leave links
Dec 12 Spine Poetry--using any books you've read in 2013--leave a link of pic
Dec 13 Favorite Book-to-Movie Release in 2013--post on Twitter or Facebook, leave a link
Dec 14 Seasonal Challenge (must be books read in 2013) post links
Recommend a book good for a snow day
Recommend a book good for a rainy day
Recommend a book good for a beach day
Recommend a book good for a spooky night
Dec 15 Twitter Synopsis Challenge--pick any book read in 2013, and describe the book using only 166 characters.  May do on any social site, leave link
Dec. 16 Movie cast challenge--pick any book read in 2013, and create a real life cast of characters--post links
Dec 17 Song Challenge--pick any book read in 2013, and choose a song(s) that best describes the book.  You can even create a playlist if you want!--post links to songs (youtube, spotify, etc)
Dec 18 Post a Review Challenge--leave a link to any review you posted for a book read in 2013--any site where review is
Dec 19 Spine Poetry--any books read in 2013, but must use titles that have 4 words or less for this one
Dec 20 Spell it out challenge--Use the first letter in any book you read in 2013 to spell out a word--can choose first name, initials, your birthday month, or your zodiac sign. Post links
 J--Just One Day by Gayle Forman
E--Enclave by Ann Aguiree
N--Never Fade by Alexandra Bracken
N--Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson
Y--You Are Mine by Janael Falor
For the letters Q,U,V,X,Y,and Z the letter can be anywhere in the title
Dec 21 Most Anticipated 2014 Releases--post links
Dec 22 Wrap Up Challenge (Hosted By Jen and I)

Q&A Author Events

Join me for some awesome upcoming author Q&A sessions!  My favorite group, David Estes Fan Group and YA Book Lovers Unite, is hosting some amazing events in the next few months!

Jennifer A. Neilsen's event has already started and runs through Nov. 10th.  She has already answered some questions, and we've learned more about a movie deal and her next series, which sounds awesome!

Here's the question I asked and her answer!

Hi, Jennifer, I'm so excited that you came to our group! I loved reading both the False Prince and The Runaway King so much! I really loved Sage as a character! What do you like best about Sage, and what was your favorite part about writing him? 

Thanks for reading, Jenny! I have loved writing Sage. What's most interesting to me about him is that Sage is a study in opposites. Whatever trait he has on one end of the scale, he usually has its opposite too. So he's very tough, but also really vulnerable. He's brilliant, but can be stupid about some things too (girls). He is compassionate, yet he does not suffer fools. And so on. So that dichotomy makes him really interesting to write.

My favorite part about writing him is that he can be very unpredictable, even to me. Before writing, I might put something together in an outline, thinking it seemed like a good idea, but once I get into it, Sage will push in another direction. I love finding out what he's going to do next, since it's not always what I expect! 

You can join in the discussion HERE

We also have an event planned with Ilsa J. Bick!  This one runs from Nov. 11-17th
You can join in HERE

And I'm SUPER EXCITED for this one!  Marissa Meyer is swinging by our group from Nov. 18-24th!!!
You can join in the discussion HERE

And we also have Hugh Howey stopping by from Dec. 11-17th!
You can join in HERE

And we have more upcoming next year, so stay tuned!  And seriously, you may want to think about joining our Goodreads group, we have so much fun talking about YA books!